Soon To Be Released Data Files

1data_signsThese data files report ACCRA Cost of Living Index data for Wave I and Wave III based on respondent location and the year and quarter of the Add Health interview.

Wave I and III Coastline Distance

In these files, the distance to the nearest coastline (or shoreline for any large body of water) is provided for each Wave I and Wave III respondent location.

Wave I and III Employment Files

Certain county-level employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics are attached to Wave I and Wave III respondent locations.

Wave I and III Length of Day

These data files measure the number of hours of daylight at each Wave I and Wave III respondent location based on that respondent’s latitude and survey date.

Wave I and III Shopping Mall Data

Shopping mall data derived from the Directory of Major Malls are used to describe shopping malls nearest Wave I and Wave III respondent locations, in these files.

Wave I and III Pollution Measures

Utilizing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Emission Inventory database, these files report county-level estimates for criteria air pollutant emissions in Wave I and Wave III respondent locations

Wave I and III Road Type Length Data

The lengths of the various types of roads, as classified by the Census Feature Classification Codes, that comprise respondent locations at Wave I and Wave III are reported in these files.

Wave I and III Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes

These data files define the rural-urban commuting characteristics of Wave I and Wave III respondent locations at the U.S. Census tract-level using the 1990 and 2000 RUCA codes developed by the U.S. department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service.

Wave I and III Mean Slope Angle Data

The mean slope angle in degrees for the five-mile (radius) neighborhood around each Wave I and Wave III respondent location is provided in these data files.

Wave I and III Urban Traffic Congestion Measures

These files report the Texas Transportation Institute traffic congestion data for the TTI urban area nearest to each Wave I and Wave III respondent location.

Wave I Web Parks

Complied primarily from Web searches, these data report counts of recreational resources for the communities corresponding to the ZIP codes of Wave I respondents’ schools.